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USD 343 Perry-Lecompton

District Information


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Child Abuse

Board of Education Policy GAAD states:

Any district employee who has reason to know or suspect a child has been injured as a result of physical, mental, or emotional abuse or neglect or sexual abuse shall promptly report the matter to the local Social Rehabilitation Services (SRS) or or the local law enforcement agency if the SRS office is not open. 

The employee making the report will not contact the child's family or any other persons to determine the cause of the suspected abuse or neglect.

The building principal shall allow a student to be interviewed by SRS or law enforcement representatives on school premises and shall act as appropriate to protect the student's interests during the interview.

At no time shall the principal or any other staff member prevent or interfere with the making of a suspected child abuse report.

State law provides that anyone making a report in accordance with state law and without malice shall be immune from any civil liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed.

Implementation of the policy:

SRS representatives will be required to sign in and receive a visitor's pass. Identification will be checked by office staff to ensure that only legitimate persons are given access to students.

Student interviews will be conducted in a private place.  SRS workers may request that students be pulled from class by district employees to minimize disruption and protect the interests of the student.

The school district does not have any way of knowing who called in the report that is being investigated.  Since SRS needs to act quickly in cases of alleged abuse or neglect, workers will often come to the school to talk with the child, even if the report came from a neighbor or other family member.  

The purpose and results of the interviews are not shared with school personnel.