Resources for Parents
Please click on the link if you need additional information regarding assessment or treatment of a student who may have a problem with alcohol, or a controlled substance. Drug and Alcohol Assessment Sources
PLHS Implements Random Drug and Alcohol Testing
The USD 343 Board of Education, in an effort to protect the health and safety of its students involved in extra-curricular activities from illegal drug and alcohol use and abuse or injuries resulting from the use of illegal drugs and or . . .
Random Drug and Alcohol Opt in / Opt out Form
All students participating in a KSHSAA activity or sport must have a signed opt in form on file. PLHS Opt In Opt Out If a student is under the age of 18 a parent must sign the form in order for their child to participate. . . .
Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Frequently Asked Questions
Random Drug and Alcohol Testing FAQs Helpful drug education links are listed below: This link has a lot of really good information that parents can look . . .